The Alliance board
The North West Surrey Alliance Board brings together the leadership of individual organisations to make collective joined up decisions across the whole partnership. Partner organisations are represented by their Chief Executive or an Executive Leader and the board is chaired by the Alliance Chief Officer.
How the board works
The Board sets the fundamental direction for the Alliance as a whole, driving clearer and more integrated care and support across our services and ensuring strong links with local communities.
The Board makes key decisions in planning the joined up delivery of services across our partners, seeking to improve the experience for residents accessing support.
The Board sets strategic priorities for the partnership, oversees important developments, service improvements and programmes of work, and seeks to deliver a greater proportion of care and support closer to local communities, in areas that really need it.
North West Surrey Alliance governance structure
Alliance Board - strategic leadership and direction of the partnership
Committees - to provide oversight of key strategic areas where there are interdependencies or benefits from working across the Alliance
- Transformation and Delivery Committee
- Finance Committee
- Quality and Performance Committee
- Supporting our Team (Workforce Steering Group)
Delivery Groups - established as required in accordance with priority areas of work
- Operational Delivery Group (inc. Local A&E Delivery Board
- System delivery and planned care
- Creating Healthy Places
- Access and Navigation
- Primary Care Steering Group
- Commercial Group
- Cancer Board
- Professional Reference Group