Our team in North West Surrey
We have built a comprehensive and highly skilled team of individuals who work across the Alliance’s partner organisations. Our executive leads work across the broader partnership, alongside their role within one of our partner organisations.
Our Board Members

Mark Byrne
Chair, NWS Alliance and Chief Executive, Woking & Sam Beare Hospice

Jack Wagstaff
Place Leader and Alliance Chief Officer

Daniel Mouawad
Chief Executive, Spelthorne Borough Council

Adam Chalmers
Chief Executive, Elmbridge Borough Council

Steve Flanagan
Chief Executive, Central Surrey Health (CSH)

Asha Pillai
Clinical Director, Thames Medical Locality

Andrew Pritchard
Chief Executive, Runnymede Borough Council

Linda Roberts
PCN/GP, PCN Clinical Director Woking Locality

Jason Binacalar
Chief Digital Information Officer, Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Mohsin Salahuddin
PCN/GP, PCN Clinical Director SASSE Locality

Lord Andrew Mawson
Board Advisor and Chairman, Well North Enterprises

Dr Navin Kumar
PCN Clinical Director (WISE 3), GP

Richard Carr
Chief Executive, Woking Borough Council

SaraJane Poole
Director of Quality and Chief Nurse, Director of Infection Prevention and Control, CSH Surrey

Andy Erskine
Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Wendy Hale
Interim NWS Area Director - Adult Social Care

Tim Stokes
Chair, Woking & Sam Beare Hospice
Our Executive Team

Jack Wagstaff
Place Leader and Alliance Chief Officer

Simon Marshall
Executive Lead for Finance,
Chief Financial Officer, ASPH

Ana Llamas Montoya
Public Health Consultant

Jo Fanning
Executive Lead for Workforce and People, Chief People Officer, ASPH

Caroline Baker
Chief Executive, North West Surrey Integrated Care Services (NICs)

Tom Smerdon
Executive Lead for Strategy and Transformation, Director of Strategy and Sustainability, ASPH

Becky Fairbairn
Director of Communications, Engagement and Experience, ASPH

Christine Armitage
Director of Transformation and Delivery, ASPH