How we are making a difference
The Alliance is already making a real difference to people living in North West Surrey and the staff who work across our services.
The short videos on this page give you a flavour of how our work is having an impact and the range of professionals dedicated to giving the best possible care to local people.
Supported accommodation for people leaving hospital
Through the Alliance, Spelthorne Borough Council led the creation of the ‘Step Down Scheme’ which is available to all North West Surrey residents.
Supported accommodation is for people who are medically fit but need additional support on discharge from hospital. The aim is to provide up to six weeks of short-term accommodation, prior to the person moving back home or into other long-term accommodation.
Different Alliance partners work together to provide the support and care people need during their time in the accommodation.
Urgent Community Response Service
Since inception in December 2020, the urgent community response service (UCR) has seen an exponential rise, tripling demand. The UCR receives calls from NHS 111, local ambulance service, GPs, care homes and self-referrals.
The Urgent Community Response service is integrated in its approach working with adult social care, district and boroughs and the third sector to ensure quality care and provision is provided to our community, supporting right care at the right time to prevent unnecessary acute hospital admissions.
The UCR receives calls from NHS 111, local ambulance service, GPs, care homes and self-referrals. To date, 92% of its referrals have been responded to within two hours – all in line with NHS England’s guidance and policy.
Dermatology Photo Hub service
The Dermatology Photo Hub service started in March 2022 and is based within a GP Practice in Staines. Patients with a mole or lesion they are concerned about are referred to this service through their GP and are usually seen by the hub within two working days.
In July 2022, the service started a pilot using Artificial Intelligence technology (AI) to identify malignant, pre-malignant and benign skin lesions. The pilot has so far proved to be successful with both patients and staff.
Integrated Frailty Service
Across North West Surrey, we are trying to bring organisations together to work in an integrated way to be able to offer individuals the support they need and provide them with quality, personalised care.
We are developing a single point of access for older people with complex care and frailty. The service will run 08:00 -20:00hrs, seven days a week and be linked to 111; having senior clinical triage will help with navigation to the right service first time ‘No wrong door’.
By implementing this approach, we are already seeing a real improvement in how patients are looked after in their own homes. By working with a patient centred focus, it is much more effective for both the patient and their family.
Lower Limb Exercise and Education Group
The Lower Limb Exercise and Education Group (LLEEG class) held at Egham Orbit Leisure Centre gives people with knee, ankle and hip problems information about how to deal with their pain and how to manage a healthy lifestyle.
Having services in settings such as Egham Orbit Leisure Centre helps patients to transition from the NHS hospital setting into the community where they can access the gym, do their own exercises, and self-manage.