Public invited to free webinar on women’s health | News centre

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Public invited to free webinar on women’s health

Two Women Chatting

The NHS in Surrey is inviting members of the public to attend a free webinar to discuss key women’s health issues in aid of International Women’s Day earlier this month. 

A panel of experts in women’s health from Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board are hosting the free online webinar to shine a light on women’s health in Surrey and inform women on important health topics from pelvic health, contraception to menopause. 

The webinar takes place on Thursday 20th March 7-8pm and anybody is welcome to attend. 

Associate Director for Women and Children at Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System, Vicky Williams, said: 

Although women in the UK on average live longer than men, they spend a significantly greater proportion of their lives in ill-health compared with men.

Problems relating to menstruation, sexual health, fertility, and menopause can have a debilitating impact on their overall wellbeing and it is vital we educate, inform and address what are still seen as ‘awkward taboo subjects’ if we are to improve health outcomes for women and girls. 

We will be discussing the most pressing issues in women’s health, dispelling myths and signposting to useful information and support.

Anybody is welcome to attend and there will be an opportunity to ask questions to the experts. 

Members of the public will need to register to attend.

Register for the event

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