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New app for communities of Sheerwater and Goldsworth Park

North West Surrey Health and Care Alliance launches new app for communities of Sheerwater and Goldsworth Park

North West Surrey Health and Care Alliance (NWS Alliance), formally launched on 1 July 2022, is a formalised partnership of local health and care organisations who have come together to take a different approach to help people to live happy and healthy lives. We serve the populations of Elmbridge, Runnymede, Spelthorne and Woking.

We seek to tackle some of the most significant health and care challenges facing people in North West Surrey, transforming how we operate our services to meet the challenges posed to a 21st century health system. We believe we can achieve more by working together and we are committed to joining up health and care services and considering all of a person’s health, wellbeing and social care needs.

As the Alliance, we know that through the Covid-19 pandemic, communities were vital, and we know we can achieve so much through working together to support each other and our residents. Communities have been indispensable and continue to be so. 

As part of supporting our communities, we are pleased to launch an app called Tribe to Sheerwater and Goldsworth Park communities. 

Tribe is a new digital platform where residents can find out, through their smartphone or on the website, what is going in your local area with activities, groups and events. 

Local organisations, groups and people with events can ‘on board’ details of such activities for all to see, with times, dates, venues, and contact details for things like: 

  • Health, Fitness and Sport Groups & Activities 
  • Parent and Toddler Groups 
  • Community Hubs and Advice Centres 
  • Youth Services 
  • Community Events

Jack Wagstaff, Place Leader / Alliance Chief Officer for North West Surrey Health and Care Alliance, said:

“We are very excited to have Tribe in North West Surrey, with our first launch in Sheerwater and Goldsworth Park. We are the first integrated health and care organisation to have a tool like this. We expect it will make finding local activities, events and community groups much easier for local people to connect as a community”.

Eddy Valletta, Mascot Hub Manager at Sheerwater, said:

“Tribe is a great asset for any local community. It is easy to use and enables anyone to find all the necessary information regarding activities that are running close by. It is a one-stop facility to connect people offering support with those that need it and we are so pleased it is being launched for the Sheerwater area”.

For more information about the Tribe app, please go to 

For more information, please get in touch with North West Surrey Health and Care Alliance

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