Local pharmacist’s 60-second video urges Surrey residents to think ‘Pharmacy First’ | News centre

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Local pharmacist’s 60-second video urges Surrey residents to think ‘Pharmacy First’

Surrey pharmacist Jay Amin

In this one minute video clip, Jay Amin, a local pharmacist in Surrey, explains why it’s a great idea to ‘Think Pharmacy First’ when you’re feeling unwell.

Local pharmacists can now treat seven common conditions and even provide some prescription medicines, if needed – all without having to visit your GP or get a prescription first.

These conditions include: 

  • Ear infections (for those aged 1 to 17 years)
  • Impetigo (for those aged 1 year and over)
  • Infected insect bites (for those aged1 year and over)
  • Shingles (for those aged 18 years and over)
  • Sinusitis (for those aged 12 years and over)
  • Sore throat  (for those aged 5 years and over)
  • Uncomplicated urinary tract infections (for women aged16 to 64 years)

GP practices are super busy, and for these conditions, you don’t always need to see a doctor.

Instead, you can pop into a local pharmacy offering the Pharmacy First service, have a chat with a trained pharmacist, and even walk away with medication if it’s required. Meaning that you could be on the mend quicker than you think.

In another short video, a Surrey resident, shares how a sore throat led her to ‘Think Pharmacy First’ – and why she’ll do the same again in the future. 
Linda Honey, Director of Pharmacy, Surrey Heartland ICB said:


An amazing 97% of Surrey’s community pharmacies provide the Pharmacy First service. And you can also be referred to your pharmacy by your GP, NHS 111, or other medical services.


So next time you or someone in your family is unwell with any of the seven conditions, remember to head straight to your local pharmacy first. 
More information on Pharmacy First

Think Pharmacy First - Explainer video with Surrey resident

Think Pharmacy First – Explainer video with Surrey pharmacist Jay Amin


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