Carers in North West Surrey are asked to register with their GP practice | News centre

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Carers in North West Surrey are asked to register with their GP practice

We are encouraging people who care for others to register their role as a carer with their GP so they can provide you with the support and information you may need.

Did you know that you are recognised as a carer if you look after a partner, family member, friend or neighbour who couldn’t manage without you because of their illness, frailty or they have a disability.

We also encourage carers to register for the Surrey Carers Card, which has been developed by Crossroads Care Surrey in partnership with Surrey County Council. The card has been designed so that it can be kept with you so that in an emergency, anyone helping you can be made aware that you care for someone who depends on you. The card will also allow you to access a range of discounts on services.

Carers provide unpaid care for another adult, a child or a parent or sibling and can be as young as five years of age, up to 95 years of age.

Across North West Surrey there are a range of services and organisations that you can access to receive additional support, advice and information through your GP and local charities.


For more information see how we are making a difference in North West Surrey.

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